Pinegrow UI Update?

Thanks for your kind offer @kpirkovic! At the moment we don’t have plans to do any major UI redesigns, BUT are always looking for making improvements that don’t require too much development work.

For example, tweaking colors and other CSS is easy to do.

If you are ok with the following points, please go ahead with the fan redesign:

  • Focus on low hanging fruit (simple to implement changes with outsized returns)
  • Mostly use CSS changes, not changing the HTML structure
  • Keep in mind that PG is a general purpose web editor. For example, Bricks or Webflow can be optimized for the subset of features they support (one framework, limited styling etc), but users can open all sorts of projects in PG, using different frameworks or none at all…
  • I can’t promise that we will implement the suggested changes.

Examples of hard to implement changes are:

  • Building more fancy controls for margins, shadows, etc
  • Using a different UI system (now we have tabs, stacks, floating windows, menus, icons…)

Thanks again :slight_smile: Feel free to ask anything.