Writer producer - 65 years - I was part of the early development teams of Interactive Multimedia in thew 1990’s - Before Macromedia was bought out by Adobe - While I designed layouts - only C programmers could create buttons and graphs etc - we were creating crdoms and the early web browsing concepts - Today there are tools that do automatically what used to take along time. Now at my age, beginning to rebuild a website I’ve owned since 1999. - And after alot of research I chose Pinegrow as my development environment - although it looks like I’ll have to keep Dreamerweaver handy to import my pinegrow projects so I can have auto refersh on the server side - but it looks ALOT more friendly and usabel! I do NOT want to become WordPress dependent, but I am going to take advantage of my discount and get the WP plugin. I have to start learning all over again - css didn’t exist when I started in multimedia.
that’s about all for now…I live in Puerto Rico