Graphic Design background. (First discovered graphics in high school in late 1960’s.) Eventually worked up to Magazine Art Director during a 20 year career. Went through the digital revolution. We had to all learn this stuff together - at first nobody knew what worked - going from glue and Xacto knives to pixels and CMYK .eps files. Got good at Quark and Photoshop (since version 3). Used Macs since 1987. Watched that grow too. Semi-retired in 2003. Bought alpacas and moved from L.A. to East Tennessee. Built my first website for that biz (using Dreamweaver and html). (Still exists. About to rework it.) Later built a second site for Tennessee Alpaca Association (this time using DW and CSS). (Doesn’t exist, at least not by me.) That’s my total web-building experience (woo hoo!) That was 10 years ago. Now jumping back in, trying hard to relearn html and CSS and stumbling my way around Pinegrow. {breaking into song . . . It’s a whole new world . . . }