Blog thumbnails on index.php without setting featured image

Im building a blog index.php page with Blocks for WP. And Im trying to have the first image or video show as the thumbnails without having to set a featured image. Is this possible ? I often have videos so I need the thumbnail to show the first video or pic in the post.

The wordpres Twenty Twelve theme does this as a example - grabs the first picture or video in the post as the thumbnail.

Here is twenty twelve without featured image set:

And here in the Blocks for WP without featured image set:

Try to replace the WordPress excerpt action with the WordPress content action. (there is probably more to do to fit your needs but that should be a good beginning).

Thanks that works!

Im trying to do this now in Wordpres Starter Theme (Static Front Page & Blog).

Currently index.php (blog) does not show thumbnails without featured image. It goes to lib.html page to edit.

How would I go about this with Starter Theme 1.2 ? I have youtube videos on a lot of blog posts and would like to be able to just click play from the blog index.php page. Thanks

Got it working in Starter Theme, turns out I had to refresh my browser a few times to get the old version cache cleared.

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