Exported blocks not visible in WordPress (solved)

Awesome! I’m glad you were able to reproduce. I took the upgrade route but still no dice. Is there additional steps I should take after the upgrade?

Clear the theme folder > Then re-export the whole theme

You can also Regenerate functions.php

Note: As mentioned in my previous message, I successfully tested your exact project with Pinegrow 7.93, without any other modifications except for configuring the paths associated with the export.

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@Emmanuel to the rescue! Thanks for looking into this. I was also able to get it working right away with the latest version of Pinegrow. It also worked just fine with 7.7.2 after installing the lodash plugin and clearing the theme folder.

@MageHD If possible, I would definitely recommend updating to the latest Pinegrow version. Besides the lodash fix, the new WordPress API feature makes life so much easier!

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Bingo! The upgrade worked as well as clearing the theme folder and functions.php regeneration.

@adamslowe I really appreciate your help on this and that training. That training is on point! One of the best I’ve gone through.

@Emmanuel I appreciate the assist on this as well. I’m looking forward to learning everything about Pinegrow and it’s capabilities.

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