Please spare my “not very clean” coding using HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript
Steps I used:
- Design first at Adobe XD
- Divide and develop every section in HTML
- Styling per section in CSS
- Applying media queries for all devices (for responsiveness)
- Trying to clean the code >.<
here’s the link: KALOSPH | Landing Page
I’m very open to suggestions and sermons.
Thank you.
That’s BOLD!
I like it.
nice use of space there, weirdly. Lots of chunky block text, but not TOO crammed in -and it doesn’t scroll on forever and delivers the content quite quickly and boldy.
how about a little pop up on the satisfied customers images, that bleed the colour back into the images, on hover (nice!)
maybe popping up just after the color feed, with a little click to then say just who they are, what orderd, or a satisfied comment or such like?
I like it.
hideous clothing design - I love it! Id definitely wear that, just to annoy my friends 
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Thank you for your suggestion! It’s nice, maybe I’m putting those details into a modal to show the business’s appreciation for the clients.