Problem with getting tag listing

I am writing to you in the hope you will be able to help me with these issues I am battling with for the past week.

I designed the web page that you can access here and it features several custom post groups. One of the groups is “projects” for which I activated the tags option.

To stylize the listing of the tags I used the tag.html (or tag.php) in which I added a loop with Custom query “projects” (as it is a slug for that specific custom posts group). The stying part works, however, it only lists all the posts (12 at the moment) regardless of which tag was clicked on. I used these options before on default posts and it works however in this instance I failed to get it to work.

If anything has any suggestions of what might cause this issue please let me know as soon as possible as the client is pressuring to hand-off the page.

Thanks in advance
