SELECT DISTINCT of a property

I have a question for the WP experts :slight_smile:

Is it possible with standard wordpress actions to make a SELECT DISTINCT query of a property (in my special case e.g. from year month from post_date) and then save these values in an array?

I currently solved this problem for the post_type ‘news’ via PHP as follows:

global $wpdb;

// 1.) find all years from post_date
$post_y = $wpdb->get_results("
      YEAR(p.post_date) as post_year
      {$wpdb->posts} AS p
     WHERE (p.post_type ='news'
      AND p.post_status ='publish')
    ORDER BY p.post_date DESC
", OBJECT );

// outer Loop: post_year - START
foreach ( $post_y as $year ):
  $py = $year->post_year;                   // needed for filter main-loop

  // 2.) find all month within the given year
  $post_m = $wpdb->get_results("
        MONTH(p.post_date)  as post_month
        {$wpdb->posts} AS p
      WHERE (p.post_type ='news'
        AND p.post_status ='publish'
        AND YEAR(p.post_date) = $py)
      ORDER BY p.post_date DESC
  ", OBJECT );

  // inner Loop: post_month within post_year - START
  foreach ( $post_m as $month ):
    $pm = $month->post_month;               // needed for filter main-loop
    $pmy = $py . "-" . $pm . "-01";         // needed for h1 | Title
    $Title = date('F Y', strtotime($pmy));
          // MAIN LOOP goes here using $pm and $py as filter

  // inner Loop: post_month within post_year - END

// outer Loop: post_year - END


That works, but I would be interested if you can get the PG WP Actions to do it and I just haven’t found it yet.

Best regards and happy coding :slight_smile: