Logo link no longer works

Has anyone ever come across this issue? I’m building a site for my Personal Trainer and out of nowhere the logo link back to the home page has stopped working. I’ve double checked back in Pinegrow and all is as it should be, I believe:

<a class="navbar-brand logo-navbar-brand" href="#" wp-call-function="pg_starter_the_custom_logo()" wp-else-if>
    <img src="images/Sam-Jones-Fitness-Logo2.png" />

I’ve also gone back to older versions of the site (I always make regular zips) and it’s still the same so, I’m thinking it’s maybe a setting within Wordpress but if it is…I can’t find it. The rendered source code also looks fine:

<a href="http://sam-jones.dev/" class="navbar-brand logo-navbar-brand" rel="home" itemprop="url"><img src="http://sam-jones.dev/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Sam-Jones-Fitness-Logo.svg" class="custom-logo" alt="" itemprop="logo"></a>

Here’s a Tunnel Link to my local site (It shouldn’t expire but if it does I’ll post a new one)

@Jan the weird thing is that it seems to work fine when viewed on a narrow screen width, e.g. 767px when the mobile menu is displayed!

Thanks for looking @Rob, I noticed the same my self after posting. I have a container hidden underneath to display the search bar once the icon is clicked, I’m half wondering whether that’s affecting it somehow as it’s the full width of the nav but, I think that would affect the nav items too if that were the case

@Jan I was going to have another look at it and the link doesn’t seem to be working anymore, did you get it sorted?

Hi @Rob. No, it’s really twisting my melon to be honest. I turned my local server off but here’s a new Link. As you’ll be able to see, I’ve built a second navbar to replace it but the logo still isn’t clickable. I’m wondering if a plugin is interfering in some way. I tested the search bar being a possibility but with that completely deleted the problem persisted.

It is a plugin. Which is truly unfortunate. I just disabled ‘Armember,’ which I was planning to use for the membership side of it and it’s cured the issue. At least I don’t have to rebuild the site, which I was about to before seeing your message but, I didn’t really want to be without that plugin. I just noticed an update is available so I’ll reactivate and see what the update does.

@jan that’s great news, I was starting to believe this was going to get the better of me as I wasn’t having any luck figuring out the issue. Keep us updated and let us know what you ended up doing re: members plugin.

Hi @Rob, Just to keep you up to date, the dev took a little while to get back to me but he’s bound to be busy. He delved in and found it to be a simple CSS conflict. All fixed by adding the following to my stylesheet:

overflow:hidden !important;

It works perfectly now. You can have a look Here if you wish. Many thanks for taking a look at it for me anyway. If I can ever return the favour just tag me. You’re on you’re own with Javascript though!!

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Great to hear its sorted and thanks for sharing what the solution was just in case others meet a similar problem.