Parallax Blocks? Login and backend cointrols? Automatic Menus?

First, I LOVE Pinegrow. It’s the perfect mix of drag and drop and code editing and it really resonates with me. I am a long time Pinegrow Pro user, but there are a few things i’d like to see that are missing (and to be honest, I mostly use Pinegrow Bootstrap blocks and not word press, joomla or any of the other frameworks - this is STRICTLY for HTML and PHP websites that I create using Bootstrap Blocks):

Many of my other web design tools/software allow me to create parallax backgrounds/blocks but I cannot seem to find that in Pinegrow’s Blocks. Parallax makes a site look really slick and would love to see this implemented.

There are no login tools that I can see to create php back-end areas. My second favorite software has this, but not Pinegrow. I’d love to see controls like this added (login, logout, password protection, etc).

In all of my other software, the program takes care of the menu tree and automates the user menus. In Pinegrow, I do this by HAND which is cumbersome and old-school. Is there a page manager/tree where I can automatically create drop-down menus?

Keep making Pinegrow the best web editor out there.



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This topic comes in in a google result, so I’m replying to it for others who are looking for the same thing.

The link is now 404.

Does anyone have any suggestions for Parallax blocks?

The parallax.js script comes from Parallax.js | Simple Parallax Scrolling Effect with jQuery and because the original version is (unfortunately) incompatible with the most recent versions of jQuery, we have just changed the version of jQuery to jQuery v1.12.4 in order to make it work.

Here is the (old) project folder: Dropbox - - Simplify your life

@karmacomposer I think we will never see anything like this in pg. They it love vintage. :slight_smile:

Parallax is a distraction IMO.

Its a selling point. Every client I have loves parallax and would even pay extra for it even though I don’t.


My client’s sites are used to generate leads for their businesses. That means they have to be as effective and user-friendly as possible in order to convert visitors into customers. Parallax is a fad. It doesn’t help with conversions, so it would only hurt my clients to include it. I’d never use or recommend parallax on any serious business website.

Parallax has been around since the late 70s and early 80s, a fad it’s


Parallax was invented for websites in 2007, bit it only really caught on when HTML5 and CSS3 became standardized around 2011-2012. Since its inception, it has been a controversial and problematic effect, particularly on mobile (which now makes up the majority of web browsing, BTW) so even when it is used, it’s only having an impact on desktop, and when that impact was actually studied carefully back in 2013 (before UI and UX became specializations of their own), it was found to be an “ineffective” effect when it came to improving the overall user experience.

You also might want to have a look at this recent article, from which the quote below was taken…

Parallax motion is like the 21st-century equivalent of the tags that festooned websites 20 years ago, or the schlocky skeuomorphism of 10 years ago: an outdated attention-goosing technique that most designers will probably be embarrassed to look back on. So maybe they should think twice about using it in the first place.

The concept of parallax was used in games as early as the late 70’s
(Defender, Galaga, etc) and then became popular
again for website use in the 90’s and today. Parallax has been around
in film making since the dawn of the genre.

It’s a he-said she said useless debate. One article can say nay, the
other for. In the end, if it makes a website
look good and attract readers/users (or not) is up for debate. I, for
one, like using it in small effect with
attractive imagery that tells a story.

To each their own. On this, there is no correct answer.


It’s not a “he said-she said” debate when you’re looking at facts and statistics. Yes, the Parallax EFFECT has been around on computers since the early 80’s, but it wasn’t used on WEBSITES (which is what we’re talking about here) until early this decade. The article I posted was to a peer-reviewed university study of parallax use on WEBSITES. Studies like these are how scientists, marketers, engineers, businesses, et…c gather real-world statistical data so they can create better, more efficient, more ergonomic and user-friendly products.

This basically boils down to “enjoyment vs usefulness.”

Games and movies are ENTERTAINMENT. The majority of websites are TOOLS. They enable users to find information, or buy products & services. So on those kinds of websites, the harm to engagement, the performance-drag, the code bloat, and the SEO hit, is rarely worth the “wow-factor” of the effect.

Parallax is a “novelty”, similar to other internet “novelties” that have come and gone over the years - animated .gifs, flash intros, skeuomorphism, auto-playing music, and so on. People thought all these things made websites more fun and interesting, but we’ve since learned that anything that doesn’t help a user find what they’re looking for is ultimately detrimental to the overall experience.

But I do agree with you that if a customer demands parallax, and is paying for it, then you should give it to him or her.

Please, have a look at Jarallax.

This is quite easy to setup within Pinegrow and you will create nice Parallax things :slight_smile:

And here is a quick (very basic) demo I did this afternoon with Jarallax & Pinegrow: