Challenges for new Pinegrow users

Wooooooowwwww !!! Really?

Amazing !!!

Thank you Pinegrow Staff team for listening to us !

I thought we were just suggesting issues/feedback/features and did not know that you guys were listening in : )


I have to agree with globbersteir that the row of icon tabs on the visual editor (below the CSS tabs (active & tree) are not beginner friendly. Perhaps they were used to save space since the CSS tabs split with the visual editor are cramped in general. Why not give us a vertical list where each name unfolds on click and focuses on the appropriate data entry point. Something like:

CSS active
CSS tree
Margin, padding
Display & position
Border & radius
Grid (should be next to Flexbox)

This is more in line with other builder/editors and is more straight forward. Before you unfold something, that would be all you’d see. The breakpoint icons and the settings icon could then move to the top.

Also the settings could have more options. At the moment there is sync with page view and open tree (which isn’t really a visual editor feature). Why not add “Open CSS active” as well. Or maybe add the option to stack the CSS views (as they are now), or to pop them up next to the visual editor retaining the two tabs, like the “open tree view” is doing now.

Another way to deal with the clutter would be to offer a “simplified layout” as a default, with the option to drill down to more advanced options. Or to offer “simplified” as well as “advanced” configurations. Or it could be called “learning mode”.

In any case, the flexibility of Pinegrow as far as panel layout and the ability to use two monitors is a HUGE plus. It just takes time to get it all figured out, which is part of what this thread is trying to address. Thanks for listening to users!