Help with displaying children pages [SOLVED]

Hi, I need some help here… I am relatively new to WP, so still orientating myself.

Anyway, I’m populating an Offcanvas menu with children pages.

I had this working earlier… the Offcanvas menu was showing all the children pages, with feature image, title and links etc.

I’m not sure what I changed but it stopped working suddenly. I’ve attempted to redo the WP actions, on the chance I was missing something simple. obviously I need to somehow define the parent page ID!

And I suspect it’s looking me straight in the face what I need to do here :joy: because what ever I did before worked :grin:

Ok, the obvious dawned on me, that this was only working when displaying the parent page. It populates all the sub-pages no problems (which is why I thought it was working, then suddenly stopped, because I was back on the home page.)

So any suggestions about how to make this ‘global’? eg. it will always show the child pages of page ID 14.

Do you have a suggestion here @adamslowe or some direction to achieving this.

You are so close! I think you just need to use the page_id parameter to force it always look at id=14. I’m not in front of a computer at the moment so I don’t remember where that is in them Pinegrow UI. Worst case scenario is that you might need to use a manually crafted loop query, but I don’t think it’ll come to that.


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Unless I am not seeing it, there doesn’t appear to be an option to set the page_id. Only one to get the current ID.

You won’t see it in the Show Posts Smart action, you’ll need to convert it to a regular WP action (which as a lot more flexibility) to get the page_id parameter.


Then go down to the Post and Page Parameters

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I now see page 14 show in the offcanvas. So I need to somehow show just the children.


I tried everything but still facing same problem.

Came back to this today. And I have managed to solve it.

Following Adam’s advice here.

I have my options set like this, and it now lists all the child pages.

Thanks to @adamslowe for pointing me in the right direction here. We were so close as you say.


Awesome, I’m glad it helped you get to the finish line! And thanks for the follow-up.