How to prevent WordPress 6.4 breaking the editing of all Pinegrow blocks

Attention #WordPress developers! Check out this crucial documentation on how to prevent WordPress 6.4 from breaking the editing of all #Pinegrow blocks. Stay ahead of the game and ensure your projects remain intact.

You can also read this forum topic: WordPress blocks not working on WP version 6.4 (RC) - #3 by adamslowe


Thanks for sharing these information with us! I’ve already prepared all my Wordpress sites.


Meh… I have three more days to procrastinate :wink:


Success! I just thought I’d drop a note to say that I’ve updated all my Pinegrow sites to WordPress 6.4, using a combination of the compatibility plugin and upgrading the projects with PG 7.8, and everything worked as planned.

I’ve had issues with some other non-Pinegrow sites, and chatter on the internet makes it sound like quite a few plugins are causing headaches with WP 6.4, so keep that in mind and make sure you test thoroughly and have good backups before upgrading.