Interaction challenge: Draggable gallery

Hi guys, so i’d like to challenge my self and design a draggable gallery with Pg Interactions. The initial idea was to make a section and a Scroll Scene, pinned and to make move from left to right the grid-container with the gallery images in it while scrolling down. But my concern about this, is that it might be annoying for some of the user to be stacked in that gallery scrolling. So i thought to make a scroller, that moves the animation of the grid-container.
So far i prototyped the design, and now i was planning the elements and how to put them toghether. This is what i visualised:

My challenge will be then to figure out how to make, move the animation, while the user scroll the .gallery-scroller__thumb

I will update my progress here and in case anyone has made a similar project with Pinegrow Interaction, any suggestion is welcome.