Interactions Timeline editor: Changing the start time of a complex animation


I have a complex animation with different objects with many transitions. I want to move the starting point of one object back (pull the transitions bubbles in the timeline editor back to right) but I can’t select multiple bubbles (transitions) to move them all at one in the timeline editor? Is there a better way to easily time the animations of one object in an interaction with many objects? The only way I see is to move every bubble separately to the new starting time…

Hi @Riccarcharias,
Right now there is not a good way to shift multiple timelines all at once. Sorry.

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Hi @RobM ,

Maybe that could be an idea for a future update. Imagine three animated Icons side by side, the best way would be to animate the first one, duplicate the animation in the Timeline editor and choose the other two as the source. Then you would need to select the whole animation with several “bubbles” and drag them a little bit to the right so that the start time shifted.

Best regards,

Hi @Riccarcharias,
I agree that we should look into this improvement. Being able to shift a complex animation makes sense.

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