Is there a bug with Customizer Control?

I have a problem with the “Add Costumizer Control”. I would like to have a video selected, which will then be displayed. For this I used the “Add Costumizer Contro”. (See picture 1 in the attachment). However, the control does not output a video URL when I set Media > Video and have selected a video in the Customizer from the media library (See image 2 in the attachment). The code output is a number (See image 3 in the attachment). A click on this number shows me a post! Why also always?

If I change the control to URL (see image 4 in the attachment), and I then copy/paste the video URL from the media library (see image 5 in the attachment) then the video is displayed. The code is also created and output correctly (see image 6). Is this a bug of the control or what am I doing wrong?

With kind regards



Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6


Thanks for your feedback.

I confirm an issue here.
Investigations are underway to resolve it very quickly.
In the meantime, yes, you can actually use the URL control type and enter the direct url to your video.

Thank you very much,

the URL is my emergency solution at the moment. Would be great if that is quickly fixed. With the selection “Image” is the same problem with the control.

HG PIxxelHunter

this reported bug is still not fixed. It is also present in version 6. Am I doing something wrong or why is the video URL from the media library not set in the src Attribute? It is still only a 3 digit number entered as src.

When will this be fixed?

Best regards Pixxelhunter