Plugin: actions and tools coming soon

Hello guys,

I read on the web site docs that you are working on new type of plugins “Actions” and “Tools”. I would appreciate if you could tell me something more about them… just few words.

The “Tools” especially sound really good to me, since I’m evaluating this software to see if the group I work with, may adopt it in a existing workflow. So if Pinegrow is going to support customizations by different types of plugins it’s really interesting to us.

Thanks! F.

You can already create Plugins for Pinegrow. For example I recently created one for myself for quickly inserting hamburger menu and adding animation for click. Maybe this is going to make the process easier? Any chance of link?

Actually my question is about the “Tools” you can find in the following menu

Since the Pinegrow developers talks about new type of plugins that “will come soon”, I’m wondering if they are talking about tools that can be developed (as we already do with plugins/libraries) to extend Pinegrow features to really specific contexts.

See here:

:point_up:Seems like only the developers could expand upon what this may bring / mean.