Select a specific admin user for access to PG plugin

Could you add a feature where we can select one specific admin user to see and use the PG plugin? Limiting it to just admins is great but I sometimes hand a site over and give the client their own admin login (I try to avoid that and make them an editor but sometimes they insist) so I’d love to be able to set it to only appear for my admin user id.

@sitestreet will consider this. One simple - but not perfect - solution for such cases is to deactivate the PG plugin when not using it. That way Pinegrow features won’t show up for other admins, unless they explicitly activate the plugin.

Thanks @matjaz. I would probably need to go one stage further and remove the plugin completely and install it every time I needed to make any changes. Giving someone else admin access carries plenty of risks so I try to minimise those as much as possible.

The backup plugin WPVivid has this exact feature. By default, all administrators have access to it and you can allow other roles to also access it if you want to. But they have the option to set a super administrator. Once that is set, that specific admin is the only one to be able to see or use the plugin at all.

This would be perfect for PG. The main dev of the site could then leave everything in place for easy updating knowing noone else even knows PG is installed.

@sitestreet is the tool you are looking for.

Thanks @Simon-B. I’ve actually had and used that plug-in for many years and it’s excellent. However, I’m trying to minimise the number of plugins installed so having this feature as part of the PG plug-in would be way better. I’m hoping it would be fairly easy to incorporate.

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