Unable To Link To "www.example.com/page" Using Directory "/page/index.html"

Good news @tapatatas @mxs PG internal web server now looks for index.html if a directory is accessed. So …/page/ should now open …/page/index.html. Note that the / at the end of …/page/ is important for correctly resolving urls. (Out in the next update)

For example, if page/index.html includes image with src=image.jpg, accessing it without trailing / (dir/page) will look for image at dir/image.jpg. This has nothing to do with PG, just mentioning it here.

Personally, I’m a fan of static HTML sites and would say that PG is perfect for that. WP support is just an add-on that also generates WP native projects with minimal overhead. How bloated the site gets, is 100% in the hands of the developer.