In general, I too have been wondering about this concerning the UI overall, ever since talk of an improved UI was coming in Pinegrow Version 3.
It was discussed briefly here in this previous thread by @matjaz (via the link) & @MhdAljuboori, concerning the “Properties Panel”, etc., being reworked, and a few overall thoughts from myself there as well.
Just for the sake of discussion and comparison - here are just a few gathered GUI’s showing various structure, organization, segmentation, along with inputs, etc., Some being more logical and natural than others.
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Added app names to picture.
Here are the names as well, from left to right they are:
Pinegrow, Bootstrap Studio, Macaw, Scarlet, Tandem Code, GrapeJS, Xpressive, Webflow, Blocs
Obviously there are many others as well. I really didn’t touch upon the various cloud offerings (Aside from Webflow since it was mentioned to begin the thread). Those are “just a few” as mentioned above, others exist as well.
However, some are yet to be released like Tandem. While others are abandoned like, Macaw and sadly the followup which was to be Scarlet as it looked brilliant. Xpressive also seems inactive, but it seems like a really nice idea and execution overall. For the Blocs image I actually merged all the tabs into one stacked image. All the other UI’s are as they appear, while some have further inputs as well that were not included.
Of course you don’t see the general functionality and user interaction aspects from the static picture. Things such as popups, slider bars, expanding and collapsing, units types (px, em, rem, etc.), color pickers, etc., etc.,
But non the less each offers good nuggets of inspiration that can be gleaned from all regarding UI inspiration.
PS: Tandem Code - is the one which has “potential” aspects which somewhat remind me of Pinegrow, it seems like an interesting project, time will tell. Perhaps the similarities are just my own perception however.
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I trust Pinegrow v3 will improve in these areas overall concerning the UI/UX. The underlying data is already there, so its just merely a matter of better improving it’s structure, organization, segmentation and the various user inputs [as discussed previously in the above linked thread].
Have faith …
^ So … I trust it will all work out.