Is there a way to make use of the new widget blocks area, when I go to widgets section in Wordpress admin I get a sidebar and inactive widgets but when adding something I don’t get the option to save it so it displays on my website. Any idea how to accomplish this? I’m talking about the widget page where you can add cover photo and more, not the widget area where you can add recent posts, tags etc. that I can already do, just wanted to have this feature also available
Appearance > Widgets
Hi @grimur
This is still an experimental feature available only when the Gutenberg plugin is installed.
We do not yet offer support for this feature.
However, we offer support for standard widgets which are still the recommended solution: Create widget in pinegrow with The Widget option
But … I think you asked the same question some time ago …
So, I promise, as soon as the situation will be more concrete on this subject, we will make a public announcement!
thank you @Emmanuel looking forward to the announcement It would be really useful to be able to create areas in the website to use for the widget system in Wordpress.
But, as mentioned in earlier answers, with Pinegrow, It is indeed possible to easily create areas to use the standard widget system which is currently the official way to go for this kind of needs
I’m talking about this: WordPress Widgets | WordPress.org
Yes I’m already doing it this way. Was just hoping to be able to use the more advanced way. That is adding for instance a cover to the sidebar or even top of page and things like that
Is it maybe better to add a customizer and include page or such and maybe is similar to the new widget system?
Can you please elaborate the need? (do you have a mockup of what you want to achieve?)
I seem to be over complicating this It seems to be easy to achieve this by adding a customizer where I can include a page or a post where I can accomplish this
In the page or post I have access to this new widgets