Adding multiple levels of submenus to a Bootstrap 4 navigation bar in your WordPress theme

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For some reason I am unable to preview drop-down menus at all. I’m starting with a Bootstrap nav bar page but they don’t function for testing even with JS turned on.

I guess there is an issue with the multilevel js script from the tutorial and the jQuery version.
From the script, can you please try to replace all $ with jQuery like this:

/* multilevel navigation for Bootstrap 4 */

	jQuery('.dropdown-menu > li > .dropdown-menu').parent().addClass('dropdown-submenu').find(' > .dropdown-item').attr('href', 'javascript:;').addClass('dropdown-toggle');
	jQuery('.dropdown-submenu > a').on("click", function(e) {
	var dropdown = $(this).parent().find(' > .show');
	jQuery('.dropdown-submenu .dropdown-menu').not(dropdown).removeClass('show');
	jQuery('.dropdown').on("", function() {

And retry?

Note: I have tested on my side, and it went well.

I’m afraid that I’m just not there yet for this skill level, but I did get a simpler navigation system working. So there’s hope for me if I live long enough.

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This looks like exactly what I need but I’m using BS5. Will this same method work for BS5 or can you give an update that will work with BS5?