Hello, I am currently working on web programming and testing 3 programs (Webflow, Dreamweaver and Pinegrow with Atom). Here’s my problem with Pinegrow:
I want to create a responsive layout (without using bootstrap). For the different views I want to use different definitions for the font size in CSS for the breakpoints, but unfortunately I am not making any progress here. I can create the breakpoints but how do I assign class to the different breakpoints? Can somebody give me a hint
You don’t assign classes to breakpoints, you assign breakpoints to classes with media queries. You can either write this out directly in your stylesheet using the @media rule
@media only screen and (min-width: 601px) {
div.example {
font-size: 80px;
/* If the screen size is 600px or less, set the font-size of <div> to 30px */
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
div.example {
font-size: 30px;
Or you can use the tools in the CSS panel…
Hope this helps you.
Thank you for your help. It worked. I’m learning HTML and CSS. At the moment I’m testing between Dreamweaver and Pinegrow. What is better for learning and understanding?
I can’t really comment on Dreamweaver because I don’t use it.
Surprisingly enough, this board would favour Pinegrow - asking the same on the Dreamweaver-side, the answer could sound the opposite.
Yep - same here. 12 years ago, I decided against DW - but for very different reasons.
What I like is, that you try to learn the underlying language(s) - that’s cool. And you know what? The less you base your learning curve on an app or framework(thinking), the more open-minded you’re afterwards.
While I can’t saying anything about the program (Dreamweaver), I don’t like Adobe much as a company anymore. They started out as the underdog, competing against Quark and Macromedia, and were very loyal to their users. Now that they’re a big corporate success, it’s all about the and their shareholders. They have no qualms about pulling the rug out from under their customers by suddenly dropping software that hundreds of thousands of people depend on to make a living, and their Creative Cloud based model is just obnoxious. The software is massively bloated, chews up tons of system resources, and is constantly phoning home to Adobe. I won’t even get into Flash