Oh my! What did I say, sorry if I gave the wrong impression with my comment. But it was not meant to be ironic, sarcastic or whatever.
I’m not going to debate or find it useful to discuss about that specific feature, “Picture & Srcset”, and if it already had to be long ago be part of the Pinegrow Core or not. That is not relevant or important I think. And I have no opinion about that statement!
Simply said in general, it’s their app, they have their own to-do list, and it’s their decision what and in which order they release certain features!
They, Matjaz and the Pinegrow Team, know and oversee the “big picture” (internal roadmap), on which they act and choose when it’s the right moment for them to implement and release a certain feature. And sometimes a certain feature rely on other features, which they need to do first, before it can be implemented. Or a feature is too specific and only relevant for a small group, or the demand is not high enough (yet). Or there are other features that they find more important to implement and release first.
I’m certain they have a very long list of important and really impressive and relevant features and improvements on their to-do list, but they still have to do them one-by-one.
There is almost always a good reason (like the ones I mentioned above), why a certain feature is not implemented yet. I can not imagine they wait or hold back features on purpose, just to annoy and irritate you!
And what for one person is an essential or important feature is for somebody else not the case. Every person needs or want other things, and they simply can’t please always everybody!
I’m a positive person, and like more to focus on the things that are already available, or announced that are going to be released. Than rather put my time and energy in complaining about missing features, or even discussing about why certain features take that long!
For sure, there are features not implemented yet, that are already been requested multiple times by different people, I like to have also, but I don’t go complain about it or attack Matjaz and the Pinegrow Team. I wait patiently, and I’m happy with every new update and release they able to make available.

I’m anxious to see what things the Pinegrow team will be able to accomplish now that this will no longer be a burden on the to-do list after so many years. ;—P
Me too, let’s wait and see, time will tell!
It’s also really nice to see that Matjaz is more active on the forum lately! And that he also announced some things they are working on, that we can expect later this year. They not did that before, being open about a roadmap.
Long term
The things we plan to do this year includes:
- New CSS editor with editable tree of rules and properties.
- Support for responsive images.
- Redesign of components and master pages to make them easier to use.
- Redoing Blocks in wider context of library of reusable components.
- Improving documentation and adding section for developers (more about this soon).
Will keep you posted.