First time building a Website with PINEGROW

It’s an interesting feedback for you PG developers concerning a persons experience with the UI / UX beyond the information sent by the analytic feedback gathered from within the Pinegrow app.

The initial video of the first experience somewhat reminds me of this other persons initial experience - a bit overwhelmed and confused (of course generally common when trying / using a new app).

But Samuel seemed to at least give it an actual fair attempt and offer valid feedback. So I’m curious if he will do more videos or more with Pinegrow. Though he mentioned various times the UI seems clunky and not as intuitive in various ways compared to Webflow.

He did say “PineFlow” multiple times, so he’s probably not moving from Webflow anytime soon. :wink:

Certainly it’s food for thought for the PG Devs. Maybe he will like the PG Designer app better someday compared to Webflow, if / when it releases.