From Pagebuilder (Bricks, Oxygen) to Pinegrow

@MichelyWeb MaxMegaMenu is probably one of the best menu plugins available for WordPress. It’s feature-rich, easy to use, and one of the only accessible menu plugins on the market.

The easiest way I’ve found to use Tailwind with WordPress is by using the Tailwind Typography plugin and heavy use of the “prose” class wherever content is going to be added using the block editor. Of course, then you need to heavily modify your WordPress theme.json file to account for your TW Typography styles… At the end of the day, it’s just not worth it for most projects.

Tailwind is a great framework for web application development and prototyping, but it’s a completely different paradigm than what WordPress uses and it requires some serious knowledge to make them play nicely together.


@adamslowe Could you elaborate on this? I assuming the modifications are for adding styles to the native WP heading and text blocks so that users don’t have to style them with classes? (That would be really unpleasant in the WP editor.)

Maybe I’m missing something here, but I’m experimenting with Pinegrow / Tailwind for a marketing site and it seems like it should be fairly straightforward if I stick to custom blocks.

I’d like to restrict what the client can do with the site, so my plan is to create custom block sections and components to write blog articles (and build pages if required). For blog articles, I’ve created TW styled blocks for “Article Title”, “Article Intro”, “Article Paragraph”, “Article Image”, etc – they can use these blocks to create a nicely styled article (blog post). I’ll hide most of the native blocks like heading and paragraph because I want them to use my TW blocks instead.

Also, it seems like I won’t need all the usual templates if the page is built with blocks – the blog single can use the index master template. It’s not a FSE theme because I don’t want to edit templates in WordPress.

Does this sound like a reasonable plan, or am I missing something and asking for trouble down the road?

You are correct, modifying the theme.json would be to make core WP blocks work the way a user would expect using the WordPress controls. You’d have to do things like make sure that the font sizes in the sliders match up with your Tailwind typography styles. Similarly, you’d have to match spacing, etc.

If you are disabling all the WP core blocks and only using custom blocks, that’s a different story and you should be fine.


Thanks Adam, that gives me more confidence going forward. In my experience, clients don’t want to mess things up, so custom blocks seem like a good way to restrict what content they can edit without breaking things or making terrible design choices. :slightly_smiling_face: Depending on the client, too much free reign can be a bad thing.

So far, I’m really impressed with how simple it is to create custom (Tailwind) blocks in Pinegrow, especially when using pre-designed components.

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