Github integration

It would be awesome to have github integration, so when you create a file/project it will create a repository and as you save the file it will commit as well. It will increase reliability as we’ll have a cloud copy and versioning.

Unlimited public repos are free in Github, and unlimited private repos in Bitbucket and Gitlab.

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as now Pinegrow is working with ATOM so you can install git-plus plugin in ATOM to take advantage of GIT.

Thank You!

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Why would be this better than using Github Desktop app to do git stuff?

I’m using SourceTree , Its really easy to do create / commit / push / pull and finding conflicts

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I don’t think that an automatic repository creation on Github would be of any sense also automatic commits would render the repo unusable at the end. I think it’s better to do manual commits whenever it makes sense (for example after adding new features or fixing bugs).

Git (not Github) integration would probably be interesting in a similar way Atom plugins (and other Editor Plugins) do it. This would mean highlight parts of the code that have changed since the last commit and mark files that have been changed. That could be useful for some people, but as Atom already has it it should be good for most of us.

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I’m using it to temporarily publish on Github Pages, so clients can follow the site progress.
Now that CMS for static sites features will mature, publish to Github/Gitlab directly from PG seems handy, or it’s just me being lazy :).

As other people here suggested, the Atom+Github workflow should be the best. The save/commit combo should bring mess. Maybe just a video or tutorial about it should suffice.


I was thinking a little, maybe the key feature here is not Github but have access to our Pinegrow projects anywhere like a cloud service. Maybe Dropbox can handle that better.
Of course, you can setup that manually too.

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That would be great to see


+1, I think it would especially be a good addition to the CMS version, so that clients can directly commit to github directory (or optionnaly commit in a Github PR to allow for review)