How are all the various styles.css related?

When I need to change styles.css, I’m getting the results that I need, but I’m worried that I’m doing it inefficiently, or losing changes, or basically messing it up. I have found the following versions:

The one in my project
One in _pgexport
A SASS version styles.scss
A SASS version in _pgexport\sass
a whole lot in _pgbackup, which are surely historical copies

and then the one in wordpress\wp-content\themes\themename
and wordpress\wp-content\themes\themename\sass

I’m assuming the only one I should change is the first one, and others are built from that, but I notice that by the time it gets to wordpress, some comments (theme name etc.) have been added at the top.but I don’t see where I can influence the values that are added, except for the theme name. For instance: Author or Description. I change styles.css either through the CSS panel in pinegrow or in an external editor.

I also assume the set in _pgexport is copied to the theme in wordpress on my local PC. When I want to use the modified theme on a hosted site, I FTP copy from my local wordpress/theme/themename to the remote one.

Lastly, I have no idea how I would use the SASS version, or even if that’s a good idea.

So, am I changing it properly, how do I change the name descritpion etc, and what’s the story on SASS?

Many Thanks!

_pgexport is a folder with the content of your theme export. It is automatically generated and YOU must not touch it or work on the files from that folder

_pgbackup is the folder which contain the files from the automatic backup system
(see settings > Save backup files to _pgbackup folder

style.scss is the SASS version of style.css
If you don’t use or don’t plan to use SASS in your project (because it’s not your thing or/and because its absolutely not mandatory), the file is useless.
Have a look at my post here to learn about using external apps with Pinegrow (including SASS)

Everything in your theme folder is the result of the export from PG BUT your HTML files with WP actions are transformed into PHP files through the process.

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Thanks, Much as I had thought. I had seen your post about external apps before but it was a good refresher. I think my poor ancient brain would prefer that I kept the development stack as simple as possible. (I’m wondering whether it will explode when I try to go back to developing WIndows apps or editing videos!)

How about the first few lines in styles.css? How do I control the values that get copied there?

And I presume it’s OK to delete older stuff in _pgbackup? Is there an automatic restore function to go back to a previous point? (I’ve just done it manually when I needed to go back a bit, which is fine for my needs.)


PS I just took our family website live on the new theme I built with Pinegrow - it looks great! You guys have created a wonderful tool!

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