How to display ACF relationship subfield?

I’m wondering wether anyone has managed to display an ACF relationship subfield (an ACF field that is embeded in either a repeater or flexible content field). I’m aware of the relationship option on the “show posts” action of the pinegrow wordpress plugin. Which works very well with a regular relationship field but doesn’t seem to work when it is a subfield. Has anyone discovered how to get that working (or has perhaps found some sort of workaround)?

I’ll leave a little bump here.

This article is ridiculous. No content? Hello Pinegrow team?

@Gauravk Sometimes it happens that we prepare “placeholders” for upcoming posts and this time, it seems that we forgot to set it as “draft”. It’s done now.

Note: There is no ETA for this one, but it is planned.

Thanks for the feedback.

Note: This is an “ancient documentation”, but this way of doing things is still running fine today