How to use the srcset field in PG7/bootstrap 4.6?

Hi there,

I have no idea how to use the field for responsive images in the properties panel. I know about the scrset concept … but didn’t find where this PG field is documented.

Can someone help?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-01-17 um 17.09.22


The feature was introduced with Pinegrow 6.6.
Please, have a look at the following document: Pinegrow Web Editor 6.6 - July 6, 2022 | Pinegrow Web Editor

Thanks, Emmanuel!
I will give it a try.

I now used the responsive images fields. They can also be used without the picture tag directly with img tag for providing different sizes.
By activating an image on the page and clicking »calculate sizes« PG walks through all breakpoints and captures the width of the image as appearing in the layout. These sizes are added to the img attributes. You can now i.e. produce all the different image sizes in your image editor, add them to the project and then write the srcset-code by hand. This is (too) much work if you have many images, but helpful if you have only some really big ones i.e. for XL screens. In other cases you can see by the calculations, that you will only need one or two sizes.