Linux Ubuntu 19.10 (and 20.04 LTS)

Hello all,
is not quite clear to me if linux ubuntu latest version meaning 19.10 and up will support PG. At the current state i have not been able to install it without trying to go mad.

Many Thanks

Pinegrow is validated on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 LTS (Pinegrow 4 and <) and Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS (Pinegrow 5 and >)

Ok got it. M a n y thanks.

I have it running fine on 19.10

How did you installed may I ask pls?

Update. the command sudo apt -y install libgconf2-4 won’t install anything as there is an error in its syntax from Ubuntu devs. There is a dash missing. sudo apt -y install libgconf-2-4 will do.
This will get the lib installed on ubuntu version 19 and up.

Hello Emmanuel, now that ubuntu 20.x LTS has been released I wanted to know if PG is planning to support the latest versions or will PG Linux life end with 18.x ? :
I have tried to get the app running on Ubuntu latest version (19 and 20) but it seems PG needs a libgconf2-4 library that has been deprecated.

Thank you for your feedback.

As we mention here, we only support LTS versions of Ubuntu. (and therefore, we do not support Ubuntu 19.x)

I also confirm that the process described in our documentation is currently 100% functional with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

As for the support of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,as usual, it should be available in a few weeks.

Thanks for your prompt answer!

We have just updated our instructions for Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 LTS


Thanks for working out the installation on the more recent releases of Ubuntu.

The reason I’m replying at this late date is that Pinegrow doesn’t run on elementary OS 6.0 (Ubuntu 20.04-based) and I found an easy additional step: Run Desktopius (available in the eOS AppCenter), enter a Name (“Pinegrow”), select PinegrowLibrary for the Exec, save a local copy of the Pinegrow icon and browse to that using the Icon selector, and Create!

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Good morning, i’m new to this forum. I followed the guide “install Pinegrow on Linux for ubuntu 20.04” but when i double click on pinegrow icon on desktop nothing happens.