I’m going to start a thread where people can share their work. I’m going to kick things off with my own homepage. I’m having a littlebit of trouble setting up my hosting (long story) otherwise I’d put the link in here. For now I’ll put up some screenshots to show off what is possible with Pinegrow (and its interactions plugin).
It is built on Wordpress (using ACF blocks) and the design is completely unique (designed in adobe XD). No CSS framework such as Bootstrap, foundation or tailwind was used. I’d say I managed to recreate the design with 95% accuracy (I had to adjust a few things along the way) which I think is a good result. The language is Dutch (I’m from Flanders, Belgium)
Thank you, and yes I am aware of that. Which is why this thread is in that collection. But I thought that grouping some of them in a single thread might be beneficial for some people instead of creating a different thread for each project.
Nice to see interactions at work in another project. The walking cat and flying bird are impressive. Information seems to be well formatted as well.
If I may give a littlebit of friendly constructive criticism: While the achievements of the interactions are impressive. The initial animations are a little overwhelming as a little too much is going on all at once.
If you’ve ever wondered what’s possible with Pinegrow, ACF pro (blocks) and some lightweight PHP coding, here is what I think is a nice example (something I made for my new website that is still in development):
The above example is a pricing block. It loads data from a custom post type into the card using an ACF relationship field. The card itself can then be customized with details using innerblocks (they’re basically core paragraph blocks that are loaded into the card). You can add more cards using the add button, which basically works like an old school repeater, yet inline, rather than squashed in the side (It works by just limiting the allowed blocks of the innerblocks the cards reside in to one single block).
Here is some extra “sugar”: (pardon the expression)