New Media Breakpoint UI Manager Does Not Update


I’ve created custom breakpoints in a fresh install of PG 7.04, and the media manager skipped Medium and added 768 in the tabs instead of adding XXL at the end.


Also, I’ve never liked how the media manager works because it does not group the @media query with my code (it just places it at the bottom of the file). Also, you can’t see styles unless you are at that specific breakpoint in the viewer area (this makes it hard to know what styles an element has at a glance). I’d like to add a feature request to remove the breakpoint UI altogether or provide/allow the media breakpoints to be used in the SCSS way where they can be nested in the selector and visible no matter what screen size is in the view.

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Hi, just bumping this to see if this is time-consuming bug to fix? Any idea on when this may get updated?

Hi, just wanted to see if it’s possible to fix this bug? It’s really annoying :crazy_face: -Thanks