PG4.1 BUG: Changes to masterpage not applied to child pages

could it have any relation to this, on this forum?

26 days ago from @ganr8790 ?

He notes that even though, master page is saved, new files created, then UPDATING master page isn’t enough.
he STILL has to save all the sibling pages for the changes to take effect.

This is the exact same scenario described in this post, in that Error Replication Process,
the Separate, individual pages are NOT saved , only update components is Used.

it seems to be that the SAVE ALL is being ommited from the process.

Probably because it is EXPECTED that update components would achieve this.
but, It doesn’t.

and probably shouldnt.
or, should it?


I’ve followed the video as best I could, but the resolution makes it impossible for me to read correctly.
maybe this is/should be added to the docs then? if it isn’t already , wrt Master page useage?