Possible to do a portfolio page like this?

I’ve built sites with the help of WYSIWYG builders in the distant past (GoLive) but haven’t touched much HTML/CSS in a long time. I used Pinegrow a few years ago, but ended up using Wordpress.

I’d like to get away from Wordpress…

Anyway, my current site has a portfolio page, but it’s a bit clunky & I figured I’d ask if there are relatively easy ways to do something like this, realizing that it may potentially require add-ons like isotope. I’m not going to be able to code anything custom.

I’m just getting back to looking into Pinegrow, so am not up-to-date with its capabilities. Any suggestions appreciated.


This is relatively easy possible with Pinegrow and Pinegrow Interactions.

Just build a (Grid) Layout with divs which contain the project images (position: relative). Add the overlay font and transparent background (position: absolute).

Use Pinegrow Interactions to animate the overlay. Let it appear (opacity) on mouse-over.

Thanks - I meant more in terms of how the project type filter works, i.e. selecting a project type and limiting the results to that.
Ideally, something that works to filter and then link to the project page.