Problem with cascade with wp theming and Gutenberg

I have been having a problem where my block styles are getting overridden by Wordpress. The theme was made in pine grow. The blocks were exported as a plug-in in pg.

Any ideas?

@smgitner I suspect that Pinegrow (and other forum users) are going to need a bit more information to help you troubleshoot this one. For example, what styles are getting overridden, and what is overriding them? Screenshots of the dev console and other details can help.

I have plenty of themes and blocks that are working without a hitch and I’m not aware of any known issues in Pinegrow that would cause this.

I think my problem is that I am using Adobe fonts exported to blocks and for whatever reason, the link to Typekit is not going along with my block plugin export.

to combat this. I read this and added this function code to my theme, and the typeface now works in the block editor.

it was very frustrating.

The following code needs to be in your functions.php. Don’t forget to include the correct Adobe web project URL.

 * Show Adobe font in editor
add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', function() {
	wp_enqueue_style( 'adobe-fonts', 'Your Adobe Webproject URL here' );
} );

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