Thank you @Marf
.did you actually read what I wrote and then paste it back?
It Get all that now. But it wasn’t easy.
It was all added to one of the youtube vids, but
youtube went all weird and proccessing cant be completed, try later and messed up some of my vids.
Anyway I wrote more or less what you did but
it isn’t at all intuitive or people getting to grips with the PG interface.
5 years. FIVE and it still confuses me! hows that for a reference?
so im working some suggestions out now
oh yeah and thanks for the heads up on the screen size.
Yep! your right! cheers for that! great, but the point is. I DIDNT actually change the view size myself.
And I also didnt notice! since that was nothing I would have checked as it wasn’t something I had touched.
oh well! it WILL be something I check next time!
Pinegrow was doing weird randomness . or at least I appeared to be to me.
I shall recheck
I willl now go back and torture myself with my own vids, …noticing the screen size on the left.
Gah! how the heck did that change?
here we go
Some Suggestions to overcome some of the issues Ive had with Pinegrow for a long time.
Toggling the Class on and off - this ADDS and removes the Class from the element in the page code BUT If it is hidden in
… then I see no difference! And there is NO POP UP to say hey !your adding a hidden class, would you like to unhide view the style rules or such like and, tis NOT like Pinegrow doesn’t really revel in Pop ups Galore really is it? so…what is one more USEFUL, logical one?
pretty please.
Also, I NOW realise that the PROPERTIES panel will only APPLY/REMOVE the style in the HTML CODE for that ONE ELEMENT I am viewing.
….however, the HIDE class in the Style editor does it SITE WIDE, for anything that uses that class.
This has taken me a while to figure out.
But it does lead to a situation where I am toggling the class on and off in 1, but nothing happening , as the class is hidden in 2.
Maybe I should be doing this differently, or yes, another pop up!
So that 1 and 2, are either in sync or have a big flashing light and Klaxon horns blaring to alert me.
- Now when you view the PSEUDO class tabs, there is NO INDICATOR that there are ANY pseudo classes applied to the element I have selected. Unless I click the actual selected pseudo class tab.
All of them. FOUR of them, just to have a look! Not very efficient.
SO! How about you colour highlight them the same way you do in the Visual Inspector pane hamster, ie, BLUE if there is something actually applied in that section - even if its hidden….yes,
ESPECIALLY if its hidden…say buried in a media query? As there is NO WAY to view this!
Unless you open everything up and drill down.
Or….I’m a dufus, please show me how.
NOTE< I stand to be happily corrected on all of this if Ive missed the most basic of instruction.
5…. ok… five, now just what is five about and how come Ive never seen it before?
- Colour coordinated VIEW SIZE to ASSOCIATED MEDIA style rules and rules not applied at certain sizes.
Just some idea. Do any of these seem useful?
They would make my life a little easier
this didnt upload earlier but Yeah! it’s a lot like @marf just said and so does one of my videos, in the description… the one which appears to be missing. gah.