I did just burst out with laughter, reading the eyeBag Thing 
ah Mania! isn’t it fab? …when its this side of the coin anyway.
funnily enough I didnt sleep at all the night before and then went to the shops to get breakfast,
because I hadn’t eaten either,
that was because I had set up my very first
Well, there was just about enough room for us all - er… as we both sat upstairs… in the the other guys house
Hi there Mark!
he has now bought PG Pro WP edition. just a few days before the 4.6 came out.
so I went and explained that latin is no longer the main programming language,
Web sites and their construction has changed a little since FrontPage and … the early 90’s
and then, the icing on the cake,
the PineGrow Interface!
Its really quite fab now, but when you don’t know what Bootstrap is, Frameworks, Blocks, the difference between Element Attributes (ie, WHY …is a h1 and and a bootstrap blocks properties/elements in the SAME tab? aren’t those blocks attibutes actually styles? and should be under the styles tab? … going to be a long night)
and, well, just actual Styles themselves!!
why are they written with the html code, oh hang on they are at the top now… hey! whats this extra stuff,
myStyles.css… how are they in a different place/file? how do. get them into my html page.
How things really have changed!
So , it was actually great to explain some /lots of this stuff to my mate to help him out, as he was obviously really into this stuff back in the day… but, my, how it has all changed.
so the PG interface now covers SO MUCH stuff, in an awesome way… and and and… the docs are now getting there!
BUT its so easy to for get how overwhelming it can be when you are SUDDENLY presented with INSTANT access to all the past 20 years of web dev in a MODERN interface that presents you with a direct method to manipulate ALL THESE THINGS… in an intuitive manner (mostly)… if
You don’t know what these things actually are and ALL the best practice principles.
we were there for about 4 hours.
We didnt write a line of code.
WE dragged one block!
and then had to find how to style it (oops I mean Edit its *Element Attributes (ie, background image)
So yep!
I’m up for helping others. that is my payback. if we can’t help each other without a perceived hey! whats in this for me? WHERE IS MY MONEY?
then really… what is the point?
Life then boils down to a totally mercenary survival situation.
I am lucky, although I whine about stuff sometimes, I am not living in sub saharan Africa
or a Jungle or the Antarctic.
I am probably NOT going to die of starvation , even though I don’t alway even have enough money for food, but my currency is KNOWLEDGE and my main Tour de Force is my extensive KNOWLEDGE base and skillsets
BUt, we can also have the P*ss taken out of his and those OTHER mercenary types can try and take us for a ride. - I kind of avoid those like the plague - after explaining to them what that situation is like, if they don’t get it, I’m gone.
So, its. fine balance of selecting who to assist, realise what is in it …for yourself, *payback or just the good feeling of helping someone else, who will then, undoubtedly, go on to better their own lives, or helps others to do likewise, or… best scenario … both - and then maybe come back and help you out too :).
oh. my! what a an early morning discourse!
Should I actually shut up and let some proper devs and coders get in here and actually contribute the stuff you initially requested?
oops, sorry