Tailwind DaisyUI defaulting to dark in Pinegrow

I installed the DaisyUI plugin for Tailwind with the external compiler option. From a little testing, it seems to be working on my website just fine.

However, the Pinegrow editor defaults to DaisyUI’s dark theme. I’ve tried everything I can think of. Only thing that seems to work is if I set the daisyui.styled = false in tailwind.config.js, but that turns it off everywhere.

I should also note that I’m compiling tailwind.css into /tailwind_theme. Additionally, I created a symlink to tailwind.css called tailwind_for_wp_editor.css in that directory, which allows Pinegrow to display my DaisyUI class changes without reloading the page…

Only thing I haven’t tried was to set up a second external compiler process with a separate tailwind.config.js that sets daisyui.styled = false and compiles that to tailwind_for_wp_editor.css…

All of that to say, I’d like to see the correct theme in Pinegrow. :slight_smile:

Text color is the DaisyUI “dark” theme. I set bg-white on the master template, otherwise the background would be dark charcoal too:

If I understand correctly you have included daisyUI in your project and now, in Pinegrow, you display the default daisy components on the dark theme. You would like to display the light theme in Pinegrow, right?

The daisy documentation says:

So the default theme is light for light mode and dark for dark mode.

The browser takes the theme preferences set on the operating system. If you are on Windows and have dark mode enabled among your system color settings, the browser will start in dark mode.

To view daisyUI’s light theme in Pinegrow, make sure your system preferences > colors, are set to light theme.


As an alternative, you can enable Chrome dev tools on by pressing F12, in the Rendering tab there is an option to select your preferred prefers-color-scheme value.
You can also simulate prefers-color-scheme in the Elements > Styles tab by clicking on the brush icon.

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Here are my thoughts. Would be great if you can share your tailwind config file. If your project is publicly available somewhere on github, I can take a look into it.

When using external build process (are you using tailwind-cli or postcss-cli?), Pinegrow doesn’t interfere with the build process in anyway. It simply adds the classes (when using any tw visual controls) to the _pginfo/used-classes.html & _pginfo/class.tracker.json, so that they are captured in the JIT compile process.

So the best way to troubleshoot your situation is to close Pinegrow & open your html page in an external browser directly, and see if it’s behaving in a different way to how the page looks like within Pinegrow.

I’m assuming you are not referring to Pinegrow interface’s theme that can be changed menu Window > Theme > Light/Dark gray. And that you are referring to the theme applied to your html page.

This is interesting what you are trying to achieve here. So, what happens when you don’t have the symlink file?

Here is a sample tailwind config from me end. You can see that in addition to extending the theme parameter, I’m also passing the primary & secondary from the design panel to daisyui too. Similarly, you can pass your colors to light & dark theme (following daisyui docs).

Is your darkMode set to class? And do you have base: false set like below in your daisyui config?

/* Pinegrow generated Design Panel Begin */
  // pg_colors, pg_fonts, pg_backgrounds objects from Design Panel
/* Pinegrow generated Design Panel End */

export default {
  darkMode: 'class',
  plugins: [
	daisyui: {
		base: false,
		themes: [
				mytheme: {
					primary: pg_colors.primary[500],
					secondary: pg_colors.secondary[500],
				light: {
					primary: pg_colors.primary[500],
					secondary: pg_colors.secondary[500],
				dark: {
					primary: pg_colors.primary[400],
					secondary: pg_colors.secondary[400],
	theme: {
		extend: {
			colors: {
			// fontFamily: pg_fonts,

  content: [

I’m using Tailwind’s Node CLI. I followed the directions in the documentation. The documentation doesn’t mention _pginfo/class.tracker.json, interesting file.

Correct, the page looks different in the browser than in Pinegrow. The browser is correctly showing the DaisyUI theme, while Pinegrow is displaying the dark theme. Yes, I’m talking about CSS theme, NOT Window > Theme > Light/Dark gray.

One appreciable difference is your tailwind config sets base to false. That removes the automatic application of foreground and background colors.

If base: true In my case Pinegrow sets it to the dark theme, even if I apply data-theme="light" to the <body> tag.

It displays correctly in the browser:

If I set base: false in tailwind config, Pinegrow renders this:

Changing data-theme="synthwave" and leaving base:false, Pinegrow renders it like this:

And the browser renders it like this… but I want the Synthwave purple background.

So I set base: true, and Pinegrow renders this:

And the browser renders this:

Here’s my tailwind.config.js:

/* Pinegrow generated Design Panel Begin */

const pg_colors = {
    dustyBlue: {
        '50': '#dce5ea',
        '100': '#b7c5d2',
        '200': '#92a6ba',
        '300': '#6d89a3',
        '400': '#476c8c',
        '500': '#195176',
        '600': '#164666',
        '700': '#133b56',
        '800': '#103046',
        '900': '#0c2638',
        '950': '#091c29',
    red: {
        '50': '#fef2f2',
        '100': '#fee2e2',
        '200': '#fecaca',
        '300': '#fca5a5',
        '400': '#f87171',
        '500': '#ef4444',
        '600': '#dc2626',
        '700': '#b91c1c',
        '800': '#991b1b',
        '900': '#7f1d1d',
    yellow: {
        '50': '#fffbeb',
        '100': '#fef3c7',
        '200': '#fde68a',
        '300': '#fcd34d',
        '400': '#fbbf24',
        '500': '#f59e0b',
        '600': '#d97706',
        '700': '#b45309',
        '800': '#92400e',
        '900': '#78350f',
    green: {
        '50': '#ecfdf5',
        '100': '#d1fae5',
        '200': '#a7f3d0',
        '300': '#6ee7b7',
        '400': '#34d399',
        '500': '#10b981',
        '600': '#059669',
        '700': '#047857',
        '800': '#065f46',
        '900': '#064e3b',
    blue: {
        '50': '#eff6ff',
        '100': '#dbeafe',
        '200': '#bfdbfe',
        '300': '#93c5fd',
        '400': '#60a5fa',
        '500': '#3b82f6',
        '600': '#2563eb',
        '700': '#1d4ed8',
        '800': '#1e40af',
        '900': '#1e3a8a',
    indigo: {
        '50': '#eef2ff',
        '100': '#e0e7ff',
        '200': '#c7d2fe',
        '300': '#a5b4fc',
        '400': '#818cf8',
        '500': '#6366f1',
        '600': '#4f46e5',
        '700': '#4338ca',
        '800': '#3730a3',
        '900': '#312e81',
    purple: {
        '50': '#f5f3ff',
        '100': '#ede9fe',
        '200': '#ddd6fe',
        '300': '#c4b5fd',
        '400': '#a78bfa',
        '500': '#8b5cf6',
        '600': '#7c3aed',
        '700': '#6d28d9',
        '800': '#5b21b6',
        '900': '#4c1d95',
    pink: {
        '50': '#fdf2f8',
        '100': '#fce7f3',
        '200': '#fbcfe8',
        '300': '#f9a8d4',
        '400': '#f472b6',
        '500': '#ec4899',
        '600': '#db2777',
        '700': '#be185d',
        '800': '#9d174d',
        '900': '#831843',
    gray: {
        '50': '#e9eaec',
        '100': '#ced1d5',
        '200': '#b5b8bf',
        '300': '#9ba0aa',
        '400': '#838995',
        '500': '#6b7280',
        '600': '#595e6a',
        '700': '#474b55',
        '800': '#363940',
        '900': '#25282d',
    dust: {
        '50': '#fcfcfd',
        '100': '#f9f9fa',
        '200': '#f5f5f7',
        '300': '#f2f2f4',
        '400': '#eeeef2',
        '500': '#ebebef',
        '600': '#cacace',
        '700': '#ababad',
        '800': '#8c8c8e',
        '900': '#6e6e70',
        '950': '#525254',

const pg_fonts = {sans: ["'Inter', sans-serif",
serif: ['"Times New Roman", Times, serif',
'Open Sans': ["'Open Sans', sans-serif",

const pg_backgrounds = {}    
    /* Pinegrow generated Design Panel End */
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */

//Unset default colors
delete pg_colors.gray;
delete pg_colors.red;
delete pg_colors.yellow;
delete pg_colors.green;
delete pg_colors.blue;
delete pg_colors.indigo;
delete pg_colors.purple
delete pg_colors.pink;

module.exports = {
  content: ["./*.{html,php,js}"],
  daisyui: {
    themes: [ "light", "dark" ], // false: only light + dark | true: all themes | array: specific themes like this ["light", "dark", "synthwave"]
    darkTheme: "synthwave", // name of one of the included themes for dark mode
    //darkMode: ["class", '[data-theme="light"]'], 
    base: true, // applies background color and foreground color for root element by default
    styled: true, // include daisyUI colors and design decisions for all components
    utils: true, // adds responsive and modifier utility classes
    prefix: "", // prefix for daisyUI classnames (components, modifiers and responsive class names. Not colors)
    logs: false, // Shows info about daisyUI version and used config in the console when building your CSS
    themeRoot: ":root", // The element that receives theme color CSS variables
  theme: {
    extend: {
        aspectRatio: {
            '3/4': '3 / 4',
        maxWidth: {
            '1/2': '50%',
        colors: pg_colors, //<-- Use the pg_colors for colors
        fontFamily: pg_fonts, //<-- Use the pg_fonts for fonts
  plugins: [


I would suggest opening Pinegrow devtools (shortcut key is Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + C), use the selector icon (top left corner of the devtools - left of Elements tab) and drop it into your page.

Now you could follow @Plunky’s suggestion to toggle the dark/light mode.

Gotcha. Thanks @Plunky and @TechAkayy for showing me that setting in Dev Tools and that I can access Dev Tools in Pinegrow directly.

However, this still doesn’t allow Pinegrow to display the synthwave theme for me. I can only get it working with light and dark themes.

I have data-theme="synthwave" applied to the <html> and <body> tags. I am only importing one theme, “synthwave” and it’s also set darkTheme: synthwave.

But I’m just getting “light” or “dark” themes in Pinegrow…

Does the synthwave theme work in an external browser?

I think this is a daisyui settings thingy. Try adding it to the themes array (that currently has light & dark)

Yes, it works in the external browser. You can see the images I posted in a previous message.

DaisyUI wants data-theme="synthwave" set in the <html> tag

daisyui: {
    themes: [ "synthwave"  ], 
    darkTheme: "synthwave", 
    base: true,

Does Pinegrow support oklch? Looking in the generated css, it will overrides the selected theme if the browser doesn’t support oklch, with this: @supports not (color: oklch(0 0 0)). See below for a larger section of code. The themes are using RGB colors…

Looks like Chrome picked up support for oklch in version 111. What version of Chrome/Chromium is Pinegrow using? DaisyUI v4 dropped support for ‘old’ browsers.

I checked against both Chrome and FireFox. It looks like Pinegrow is defaulting to the first set of themes, and it’s not loading the themes lower down in tailwind.css.

FireFox and Chrome will both update the theme when I change data-theme="light" to data-theme="synthwave" in the <html> tag.

@supports not (color: oklch(0 0 0)){
    color-scheme: light;
    --fallback-p: #491eff;
    --fallback-pc: #d4dbff;
    --fallback-s: #ff41c7;
    --fallback-sc: #fff9fc;
    --fallback-a: #00cfbd;
    --fallback-ac: #00100d;
    --fallback-n: #2b3440;
    --fallback-nc: #d7dde4;
    --fallback-b1: #ffffff;
    --fallback-b2: #e5e6e6;
    --fallback-b3: #e5e6e6;
    --fallback-bc: #1f2937;
    --fallback-in: #00b3f0;
    --fallback-inc: #000000;
    --fallback-su: #00ca92;
    --fallback-suc: #000000;
    --fallback-wa: #ffc22d;
    --fallback-wac: #000000;
    --fallback-er: #ff6f70;
    --fallback-erc: #000000;

  @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){
      color-scheme: dark;
      --fallback-p: #7582ff;
      --fallback-pc: #050617;
      --fallback-s: #ff71cf;
      --fallback-sc: #190211;
      --fallback-a: #00c7b5;
      --fallback-ac: #000e0c;
      --fallback-n: #2a323c;
      --fallback-nc: #a6adbb;
      --fallback-b1: #1d232a;
      --fallback-b2: #191e24;
      --fallback-b3: #15191e;
      --fallback-bc: #a6adbb;
      --fallback-in: #00b3f0;
      --fallback-inc: #000000;
      --fallback-su: #00ca92;
      --fallback-suc: #000000;
      --fallback-wa: #ffc22d;
      --fallback-wac: #000000;
      --fallback-er: #ff6f70;
      --fallback-erc: #000000;

  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;

  color-scheme: light;
  --in: 0.7206 0.191 231.6;
  --su: 64.8% 0.150 160;
  --wa: 0.8471 0.199 83.87;
  --er: 0.7176 0.221 22.18;
  --pc: 0.89824 0.06192 275.75;
  --ac: 0.15352 0.0368 183.61;
  --inc: 0 0 0;
  --suc: 0 0 0;
  --wac: 0 0 0;
  --erc: 0 0 0;
  --rounded-box: 1rem;
  --rounded-btn: 0.5rem;
  --rounded-badge: 1.9rem;
  --animation-btn: 0.25s;
  --animation-input: .2s;
  --btn-focus-scale: 0.95;
  --border-btn: 1px;
  --tab-border: 1px;
  --tab-radius: 0.5rem;
  --p: 0.4912 0.3096 275.75;
  --s: 0.6971 0.329 342.55;
  --sc: 0.9871 0.0106 342.55;
  --a: 0.7676 0.184 183.61;
  --n: 0.321785 0.02476 255.701624;
  --nc: 0.894994 0.011585 252.096176;
  --b1: 1 0 0;
  --b2: 0.961151 0 0;
  --b3: 0.924169 0.00108 197.137559;
  --bc: 0.278078 0.029596 256.847952;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark){
    color-scheme: dark;
    --b2: 0.202941 0.076211 287.835609;
    --b3: 0.187665 0.070475 287.835609;
    --pc: 0.144421 0.031903 342.009383;
    --sc: 0.156543 0.02362 227.382405;
    --ac: 0.17608 0.0412 93.72;
    --rounded-box: 1rem;
    --rounded-btn: 0.5rem;
    --rounded-badge: 1.9rem;
    --animation-btn: 0.25s;
    --animation-input: .2s;
    --btn-focus-scale: 0.95;
    --border-btn: 1px;
    --tab-border: 1px;
    --tab-radius: 0.5rem;
    --p: 0.722105 0.159514 342.009383;
    --s: 0.782714 0.118101 227.382405;
    --a: 0.8804 0.206 93.72;
    --n: 0.255554 0.103537 286.507967;
    --nc: 0.979365 0.00819 301.358346;
    --b1: 0.218216 0.081948 287.835609;
    --bc: 0.979365 0.00819 301.358346;
    --in: 0.765197 0.12273 231.831603;
    --inc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
    --su: 0.860572 0.115038 178.624677;
    --suc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
    --wa: 0.85531 0.122117 93.722227;
    --wac: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
    --er: 0.737005 0.121339 32.639257;
    --erc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;

  color-scheme: light;
  --in: 0.7206 0.191 231.6;
  --su: 64.8% 0.150 160;
  --wa: 0.8471 0.199 83.87;
  --er: 0.7176 0.221 22.18;
  --pc: 0.89824 0.06192 275.75;
  --ac: 0.15352 0.0368 183.61;
  --inc: 0 0 0;
  --suc: 0 0 0;
  --wac: 0 0 0;
  --erc: 0 0 0;
  --rounded-box: 1rem;
  --rounded-btn: 0.5rem;
  --rounded-badge: 1.9rem;
  --animation-btn: 0.25s;
  --animation-input: .2s;
  --btn-focus-scale: 0.95;
  --border-btn: 1px;
  --tab-border: 1px;
  --tab-radius: 0.5rem;
  --p: 0.4912 0.3096 275.75;
  --s: 0.6971 0.329 342.55;
  --sc: 0.9871 0.0106 342.55;
  --a: 0.7676 0.184 183.61;
  --n: 0.321785 0.02476 255.701624;
  --nc: 0.894994 0.011585 252.096176;
  --b1: 1 0 0;
  --b2: 0.961151 0 0;
  --b3: 0.924169 0.00108 197.137559;
  --bc: 0.278078 0.029596 256.847952;

  color-scheme: dark;
  --b2: 0.202941 0.076211 287.835609;
  --b3: 0.187665 0.070475 287.835609;
  --pc: 0.144421 0.031903 342.009383;
  --sc: 0.156543 0.02362 227.382405;
  --ac: 0.17608 0.0412 93.72;
  --rounded-box: 1rem;
  --rounded-btn: 0.5rem;
  --rounded-badge: 1.9rem;
  --animation-btn: 0.25s;
  --animation-input: .2s;
  --btn-focus-scale: 0.95;
  --border-btn: 1px;
  --tab-border: 1px;
  --tab-radius: 0.5rem;
  --p: 0.722105 0.159514 342.009383;
  --s: 0.782714 0.118101 227.382405;
  --a: 0.8804 0.206 93.72;
  --n: 0.255554 0.103537 286.507967;
  --nc: 0.979365 0.00819 301.358346;
  --b1: 0.218216 0.081948 287.835609;
  --bc: 0.979365 0.00819 301.358346;
  --in: 0.765197 0.12273 231.831603;
  --inc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
  --su: 0.860572 0.115038 178.624677;
  --suc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
  --wa: 0.85531 0.122117 93.722227;
  --wac: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;
  --er: 0.737005 0.121339 32.639257;
  --erc: 0.235017 0.096418 290.329844;

Rolled back to DaisyUI v3.9.4, and Pinegrow works as expected. It is able to load the themes correctly.

It looks like the problem is Pinegrow is using a version of Chrome/Chromium that doesn’t support oklch.

When do you expect to upgrade the Chrome/Chromium engine?

themes:” encloses the color sets you want to include.

Check your tailwind.css file: are these included in it?

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@Plunky Good catch there, I must have copied that in wrong or between changes. I certainly imported it as you describe, with synthwave in the themes array.

Please see my previous two responses. The problem appears to be that Pinegrow’s version of Chrome doesn’t support oklch.

What version of DaisyUI are you using?

The following works correctly with DaisyUI v3.9.4, but not daisyui@latest… v4+

  daisyui: {
    themes: [ "light", "synthwave" ], // false: only light + dark | true: all themes | array: specific themes like this ["light", "dark", "cupcake"]
    darkTheme: "synthwave", // name of 
1 Like

I gave it a try, following the Pinwgrow guides/following your configuration.


Using the external build process
The complete guide to customizing a Tailwind CSS theme

I can run themes without problems, if your project is public send it here, maybe we can find a solution.


"devDependencies": {
    "autoprefixer": "^10.4.16",
    "daisyui": "^4.4.23",
    "postcss": "^8.4.32",
    "postcss-cli": "^11.0.0",
    "tailwindcss": "^3.4.0"


module.exports =

module.exports = {
  content: ["./*.{html,js,php}"],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        blued: {
          100: "#72c1df",
          200: "#5bb7d9",
          300: "#43add4",
          400: "#2ca2ce",
          500: "#1498c9",
          600: "#1289b5",
          700: "#107aa1",
          800: "#0e6a8d",
          900: "#0c5b79",
  plugins: [require("daisyui")],
  daisyui: {
    themes: [
  darkTheme: "black",

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@Plunky Thanks for all of that work!!! I see you’re on Windows, and Pinegrow is very responsive on there… seems better than the Mac version I’m using! I completely forgot to mention that I’m on a Macbook Pro 16-in M2 Max, 64GB RAM, Ventura v13.5.2 and Pinegrow v7.9.

Are the Pinegrow builds different between Mac and Windows?

In Pinegrow’s Dev Tools Console, I’m getting Chrome version 107, Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

DaisyUI uses oklch which is supported in Chrome v111+.

What do you get when you enter window.navigator.userAgent?

I can try installing Pinegrow on Windows tomorow to see the difference for myself. :slight_smile:

1 Like

While waiting to get clarification on the chromium version across platforms and if that was the root-cause, does updating postcss, tailwindcss & autoprefixer make a difference.

My understanding is that the compile process does autoprefix to support older browsers to a particular extend.

Nice demo @Plunky :+1:t4:

@TechAkayy and @Plunky

I couldn’t wait… I installed it on Windows 11 ARM virtualized using UTM running on my Mac.

Pinegrow reports that it is using Chrome v116 on Windows: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

That version of Chrome supports oklch!

That explains why it works for @Plunky and fails for me! Look at the generated CSS I posted previously. There is clear exception for browsers that don’t support oklch: @supports not (color: oklch(0 0 0))

Not sure how that can be fixed with autoprefixer.


I could be wrong here, but I remember hitting something similar a year ago, and these are some of the related resources from my bookmarks -

Something to do with autoprefixer using browserlist added to package.json.

But, anyway, it’s upto the plugin provider to have fallback,and looks like daisyui has fallback only for their default light & dark themes (Tailwind CSS Components ( version 4 update is here )).

This thread and the reply by daisyui author seems relevant - daisyUI 4 upgrade guide · saadeghi/daisyui · Discussion #2507 · GitHub

So, is your site targetting only modern browsers? Thanks for creating the feature request related to oklch support.


Yes, on Pinegrow for Windows the version of chromium is 116.x
I had already checked the version of chromium installed, comparing it to the resource you sent, and I had done some in-app testing to check if indeed oklch was supported.
However, I didn’t think you were using pinegrow on macos. :no_mouth:

In nwjs, the latest version of chromium available (for macos) should be v.112.x (but I am not 100% sure).

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@TechAkayy @Plunky

I saw that post last night too! Updated the fallback colors to make the site editable in Pinegrow with DaisyUI 4.x :slight_smile: The fallback code is at the bottom of this post. Agreed it would be cool if DaisyUI included a built in oklch to hex converter. I used https://oklch.com/ to do it manually. The colors, especially gradients, look much better with oklch.

I’m guessing the Mac version of Pinegrow’s NWjs is about a year behind the Windows build nwjs…? NW.js support for Chromium 107 was over a year ago, 10/27/2022

Generally, I target modern browsers to start. That means, OS support going back ~10 years. I’m using PostCSS and Autoprefixer, of course… but otherwise I don’t support the iPhone 6, Windows 7, Macbook Pro 2012, IE, Android 3.x, Black Berry, Netscape, or Mosaic. :joy: It’s just too much work. I have an iPhone 6 for usability testing… but what a pain.

The real question is when will Pinegrow roll in updates for the Mac? :smiley: On the bright side, I might not have known what was happening if Pinegrow had the same version of NWjs on the Mac! This was a good learning experience. Thank you for your help.

Here are the fall back settings for DaisyUI light and synthwave themes. Just add to tailwind.config.js:

 themes: [
        light: {
          '--fallback-p': '#491eff',
          '--fallback-pc': '#d4dbff',
          '--fallback-s': '#ff41c7',
          '--fallback-sc': '#fff9fc',
          '--fallback-a': '#00cfbd',
          '--fallback-ac': '#00100d',
          '--fallback-n': '#2b3440',
          '--fallback-nc': '#d7dde4',
          '--fallback-b1': '#ffffff',
          '--fallback-b2': '#e5e6e6',
          '--fallback-b3': '#e5e6e6',
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