I am working on an index page that is based on the Prime Drive template:
Otherwise known as Template 12.
One great feature of the Prme Drive template is that (like a lot of the Pinegrow templates I have seen) it displays a nice background that sizes itself to completely cover the browser regardless of the browser’s window size while allowing the user to scroll down to see all supplementary content. That is why I chose it as a template.
I made some alterations (removing the car advertisement stuff and the form it displayed) and put my own content there. I kept the section it had and changed the background URL to my company’s graphic.
I am seeing a real problem displaying my graphic. With some sizes, noteably medium size, I can see the entire image. Unfortunately, in larger sizes the image appears to grow too large in larger sizes, and parts of it get cut off.
The template has the image being displayed as the background of the first tag. The background is centered, and its background-size rule is set to “cover”. The image is, consequently, sizing itself according to the size of the section. Is there some way to scale the image down so that it isn’t too large for the section using it for a background?