VueJS support for pinegrow

As I have been delving into javascript frameworks, I have realised “component” based applications are the key, and pinegrow doesn’t really support this, and slowly I’m realising that I can’t use pinegrow anymore in this journey…

Vuejs javascript components includes html-based templates and scoped styles… and as it’s within a javascript file, the rendering in pinegrow is dynamic… and we can’t use pinegrow’s powerful features for designing… Or, is there a way to still use pinegrow in this scenario?

I understand pinegrow has it’s own component feature (which I believe is in vanila js under the hood), but would be great if this is extended to js framework components too… may be I will build a plugin for this :thinking:

Would be great if the pinegrow core team @Emmanuel can provide some updates if they are building anything to support js framework components or not…

Disclaimer: I’m a complete novice to tech, have been lately upskilling myself on web technologies (pinegrow made it easy), so if I understood anything incorrectly above (reg js frameworks), please feel free to correct me, cheers!

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