What is the workflow for a Pinegrow and a live Wordpress website with ACF/CPT?


  • I build a wordpress theme with the help of a Pinegrow and a local enviroment (LocalWP)
  • I build all the content as a pinegrow wp plugin / Gutenberg blocks, pulling a lot of a dynamic data from CPT and ACF

Now, once the website is live and a client request some changes (for example to add a new custom post type and custom fields) what is the best way to do it?

Do I have to go back and create all of the changes in a local development?

I know there is a wordpress plugin but I really love Desktop app due to the VS Code integration

I think but stand ready to be corrected, that in this instance you would need to amend the theme locally and then export the amended theme back up to the live site.

Theoretically this is where the plugin should really come into its own because you’d then be in a position to work on the live site.

Yeah, I thought so.

Thank you Dom!