Hey that’s great - when I edit a CSS attribute in Pinegrow, the css file automatically updates! Yippee!
But wait… What did you do to my css file? Ah - you automatically assumed that I wanted my curly opening brackets on a new line. Every one of them.
Well I didn’t. I hate it. Yes, that’ my personal opinion and my writing preference (from my twenty years of coding) and I really REALLY don’t suddenly want to start liking it because Pinegrow thinks bracketed blocks should start on a new line.
So please stop it. Right away. Pretty please.
I’m just bouncing between Pinegrow and Bootstrap Studio right now. I guess the least irritating is going to win…
Second this. Even more, PG adds two empty lines on top of each style-sheet.
But you know what? At the end of the day, CodeKit as one of my most important tool developing stuff (and I’m bad on it) ensures a minified and compressed version of css (and js). And brackets has (as far as I remember) an extension for it as well.
But that’s just for the protocol - not mentioned as “no further action required on this” input.