And yes, @RobM mud… I should have sent a pic of today as the mud sucked my feet down yet again and I fell over.
In the mud…
Last nights 5am OS Hack was a success but I used HFS+ journaled file system.
And it worked. - but You cant do updates!
Mac app store wont allow updates unless APFS file system is utilised on your Mac!
It will check for them, show them, but wont connect to server and download them!
SO today, another partition… now in APFS… which I have avoided like the plague, but, I now have Mojave installed working and fab on HFS+
so lets try it on APFS and compare… I mean , what could go wrong?
OH! yes, you HAVE to update your bootrom IF… your machine is actually capable of running High SIerra natively. THIS IS! wow.
(My macbook pro aint
so! yet again, care of the incredible DosDude, I downloaded his BootRom update tool as without this… it will brick your machine!!!
If you try to run it on an SSD.
well, I have spinning disks! But thought I should future proof and update the BoomRom. anyway.
Ran the BootRom Updater.
Created new APFS partition…
Ran DOSDUDE patched installer and installed to the new shiny (and scary) APFS partition.
woo hoo.
Rebooted in order to run the Post Install Patch tool and
Just the big grey NO ENTRY sign… no post chimes and DVD making odd sounds.
tried, to put OS disk in the DVD Drive then.
TRIED holding down the ALT key on the Sexy Mac wireless keyboard… fail.
SO… couldnt select one of the other OS’ to boot from.
What the heck?
But noticed that the mouse power light wasnt behaving correctly, like it wasnt connecting (underneath the mouse)
SO clicked around with the keyboard power switch…
No dice.
Multiple reboots… mmmm the same.
SO just went and got a wired windows keyboard.
Plugged that it, Held down ALT key.
Hard drive symbols!!
rebooted in Mojave, HFS+
SUCCESS again.
Went to system prefs, reset Start up Volume to this reliable install.
Then … rebooted, held down ALT key… HARD drive symbols again.
selected USB,
ran the post install patch tool on the APFS Mojave Installation…
(you select which disk to run it on , at the bottom of hte tool)
And… ran and
REbooted, holding down ALt…
Selected previsously Dead APFS Mojave… on the previously Bricked machine.
Success… Happy little dance.
ANd now its working, after that bizarre little scary hiccup (just incase any of you guys try it - get a wired keyboard)
And now I CAN update it!
Downloaded the latest safari and security updates (via my phone… 1MB… connection.
Wasnt that fun)
and… Its now installing!!
Woo Hoo.
Then… first Application to install.
Lets play a game…
Sounds Like
SO… heres your clues.
Thigh Bone…
Whine and Groan…
My Go…
Why’d you Go?
…oh yes!
Thats it,
First APP to install on this new system.
PINEGROW!!! 5.991
in dark mode… Lets totally scramble my eyeballs as I try to see the edges of everything, in Mojave dark mode too.
here we go.
Bye for now
mmmm… and then…after the OS update for browser etc it is stuck in a continual reboot/ crash screen loop
AH! so I booted once more off the USB key and ran the Post Install on the APFS partition… as it had actually rebooted successfully into the HFS partition, not this one.
Aaaand… it FINALY rebooted to the APFS Mojave partition.
Huzzah…er but
THAT weird mouse problem again OH… and now KEYBOARD TOO!
SO wired mouse as well, reboot again…
And mouse Laser fires up… wired keyboard caps lock light comes on…
then they both go off.
Im looking at the login screen, with no working mouse or keyboard, so cant login in.
Uber Crap.
Hard drive doing lots of hard drive stuff inside it , so it sounds like.
oh well…1.30am… finished the other install at 5am this morning… lets see how this goes
re run post install patch tool and this time, force cache rebuild…jesus.
Update 3
…forgot why I was doing this… oh yeah
To install Pinegrow on new iMac!
3.30 am, done… already.
And here I am!
It is now officially tomorrow and IT RUNS!
Mojave, now installed with APFS on an unsupported 2009 iMac and
PineGrow 5.991 Installed.
Just opened the beginning of their Horsey Blog, which I will doing to learn CSS GRID,
With PineGrow 
It now boots, Mojave APFS as the boot disk AND… the Macs Wireless keyboard and Mouse work from boot so I can login.
So no dramas there then… now, off to the horses