As somebody who does about everything from the site (full-stack).
This means I do both the front-end as well as the back-end.
After building a design in Pinegrow and wanting to start building the back-end onto it.
This consisted of renaming index.html
to index.php
adding the Phalcon Framework (which I picked up a few weeks ago) and Let’s see if that works…
Nope it didn’t…
I got: (in Pinegrow)
instead of: (in the browser through my local development server)
So, this should mean, that there would be no CSS in my home.php… which indeed was the case:
(can’t add more than 2 links, but it was just a blank white page saying hooray it works
Now how am I supposed to be able to update pages their templates in Pinegrow without:
- Javascripts
- Stylesheets
- Certain missing PHP variables
I suppose I could just keep ripping out the back-end code and re-implementing it after I’m done updating the template, but that’s gonna be a huge pain in the buttocks.
I think that there should be an option that allowed PHP content to be returned by a PHP-enabled server so that I can see what I’m actually making of having to rip the back-end code out all the time just so I can get specific parts of the template to render properly in Pinegrow.
And don’t get me wrong, Pinegrow is amazing for building initial templates, but after that, it just seems to be lacking behind.