Gitter Chat Room!

Hi All, since I am still disgruntled that I can no longer participate in Real Time Slack Chats, as Slack have a nasty, your old hardware/software/OS/attitude…isn’t good enough for US! attitude, I have created a PUBLIC Pinegrow3.0 community chat over on so that we can (well I CAN) continue to chat! (possibly on my own!)

So anyone can use it, but If I am trying to chat to someone I know, then that may be the way to go!

I’m looking at you @Rob

and many more, ie, @itsmeleo

etc etc

so lets see how this rolls too! :slight_smile:
everyone is invited.

so here it is, I think this is the Lobby Room

and as usual, this is powered by total enthusiasm and a complete lack of understanding.
yeah baby!

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And this is interesting, especially as the PineGrow Slack channel is up to nearly 1900 people and due some Buzz over the Release of 3.0

This is from the guys at

This is Their setup

and this is their Nightmare Slack story -Notice the bit about the unmentioned 5000 user ceiling!

mmmm, it is ok to say Nightmare without getting THIS post deleted too is it? :wink:

This is Great! :slight_smile:
I am signing up right now, from my sick bed.
All this info care of
@jaffyblack , over on my Pinegrow channel :slight_smile: