How do I remove underline on text anchor links?

Hi everyone, I’m a 1 day old user of pinegrow. Absolutely loving it.
I made this very simple HTML for a blog I am making but I am having a hard time figuring out how to remove those underline on the text links.

I would appreciate any help!

Hey, welcome to Pinegrow. Definitely a powerful tool with a steep learning curve for us newbies (assuming you’re a newbie like me :slight_smile: )

CSS property for this is text-decoration: none;

You can add it directly to the code or in the visual editor it’s in the “Text” controls section. See attached.

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Thank you!

Now I know the button to click :slight_smile:

I thought unclicking the T with underline would remove

What I did was hard coding the text-decoration: none

Welcome dear!
you can add a CSS rule. Open your CSS file or add a <style> section in your HTML and include a { text-decoration: none; }. This will remove the underline from all links on your page. If you want to target specific links, add a class to those links and use .your-class { text-decoration: none; } in your CSS. This should solve the issue.
Enjoy using Pinegrow :blush: