My question is related to the section of the documentation about using a Form Action. In the section CALL FUNCTION it is written:
The name of the function to call when the form is submitted successfully. Data is passed as the first argument, stored in the array. Form options array is passed in the second argument. The functions should return true on success and false on failure.
For example, set the Call function to process_my_form if the function is defines as:
function process_my_form($data, $options) { //do some cool things with the submitted data return true; //all good }
Where in the graphical interface of Pinegrow Theme Converter should I insert the name of a custom php function to call it upon successful form submission? Is it possible to call a php function on condition if there was an error while submitting the form?
In the program interface, I did not find a field for specifying the name of a custom php function: