How to modify selected element data

How to modify selected element data from the browser console?

I want to change the font-family name of the selected element via the browser console.

I couldn’t find documentation about API or anything for dev.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

Well, I managed it.

Now released the Pinegrow integration on version 1.0.33



Can you tell us more about your plugin and its scope of action?


Our plugin is a GUI-based font manager with the self-host Google Fonts feature.
The scope of action is to integrate the font managed by Yabe Webfont and make it available in the Pinegrow editor.

Here is the snippet code that I managed:

Our website is available at for the plugin’s complete information.

Alongside the free version, we also have a pro version.
Both have the same feature except for the integration.

If you want the pro version license, DM me, and I will send it to you and the Pinegrow team.



I want to propose an idea.

I would happily include the integration on the FREE version (,
with the exchange that our plugin is featured on the Custom Fonts-related docs of Pinegrow WordPress.
I believe this is an excellent strategic partnership for both of us.

What’s your thought?

cc @matjaz