How to open a wp theme i've been working


I want to thank you for your help.
I have another problem, I guess it is just a beginner’s problem!
I’m working with a local server (Xampp). Yesterday I started makin a WP Theme on Pinegrow that I’ve made it before in HTML… Until Yesterday it worked well.

I load Apache and MySQL in Xampp and then y try to open proyect in Pinegrow.
I set my folder work inside HTDOCS, as localhost may run

BUT, when I open the file on Pinegrow, I cant open my project, I just see blank space, I cant return the files that I was workin on them.

The question is: With Pinegrow I must do all my job in one time? I can’t reopen an old theme that i would made before?
How do I must to do to reuse an theme that i was working on it?

Thank you for your help,

Hi Ruben,

The short answer is yes. You need to maintain a Pinegrow (project) format version of the website and a Wordpress (developer) version locally. You cannot really modify it in Pinegrow once converted the way you did initially as it has been formatted to work with Wordpress(PHP). Pinegrow is not a visual editor for Wordpress. It is a visual editor that can create a wordpresss template using the WP version. Once it’s in Wordpress format you can use something like Elementor, BeaverBuilder, King Composer plugins to name a few to modify it directly in WP.

Take a look at these articles. They are a little out of date but will give you an idea of whats involved with going from Bootstrap to Wordpress. I highly recommend that you pick up something like Digging Into Wordpress or the Tao of wordpress books which go into details of how wordpress functions. Also checkout the Wordpress Codex.

Maybe one day Pingrow will also have a native visual editor plugin version for Wordpress? Hint Hint… =)

BTW, Wordpress is not easy. There are many moving parts and it takes time to really understand it. I’m by no means a master of it. I’m learning like everyone else. As web technologies change, wordpress continues to evolve. There are too many things to keep up with in this fast pace of evolution.

Be well,



Olá. tem uma saída: eu salvo o como projeto e também wp, depois exporto wp,então abrir sempre o projeto e editar o html dele,salvar e exportar wp, como se estivesse salvando, dê um f5 no navegador e pimba…pra mim funciona assim.Esse Pinegrow é cheio de segredos maravilhosos.